There are many important and educational documents available that tell the tale of our founding fathers, their thoughts and their lives. They gave us much, fought for their freedom, and ours. Our God-given rights are enshrined in these precious documents and yet today give us the knowledge we need to stand and fight tyrannical big government.
One of the most important books / documents that we think should be studied, and that is the foundation of assemblies, which are a body politic, is The Law of Nations. You can download a copy of it at the link below.
We hope you will avail yourself of this knowledge and arm yourself with truth and the ability to establish governing bodies in your counties, for your communities and families.
The good people of the United States became complacent and allowed evil ideas and people to come into our homes and lives with UN-Godly policies and ideals. Like the frog in the cool water that gradually had the heat turned up, we sat and did nothing to stop it. We must fight against even the smallest bit of evidence of evil and tyranny that tries to creep in. Arm yourself and be on guard.